How To - Calibrating Probe Head

How To - Calibrating Probe Head

  1. In the event of a probe crash, the probe head may become misaligned, causing unintended probing errors. One way to quickly isolate and determine if this is the issue involves:

    • Selecting the A0B0 reference tip 
    • Clear the tip calibration by:
      • Updating the probe assembly, or
      • Attempt to calibrate the probe and cancel the operation afterward 
    • Measure the calibration sphere 
    • Set origin to the sphere
    • Select the opposing A90 probe angles. i.e., A90B0 and A180B0
    • Measure the same sphere
    • Report the position of the subsequent measurements

    The values should be close to zero or within a reasonable deviation. 

    If this is not the case, re-determining the probe head matrix may be necessary. 

    Follow the steps below to begin the calibration:

    1. Launch CMM-Manager online
    2. Switch to the System ribbon tab
    3. Select Machine Setup from the Setup group
    4. If this is the first time you are launching the setup, enter "service" when prompted for a password
    5. Switch to the Probe tab 
    6. Select Calibrate from the Probe Head group

    7. Follow the instructions as prompted to complete the calibration. 
For PH20, refer to the  PH20 Head ReQualify section of the linked KB. 
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