Troubleshooting - JogDisplayCsy error when connecting with Direct 2.0

Troubleshooting - JogDisplayCsy error when connecting with Direct 2.0

Please follow the instructions below to resolve the above titled issue:
  1. Close CMM-Manager
    For customers running CMM-Manager versions older than 2021, proceed to step a through c
    1. Download the hotfix here -
    2. Extract the file and copy it to the "C:\Program Files\QxSoft\CMM-Manager 2020\Driver" folder
    3. Select the option to replace the existing file
  2. Edit the "C:\ProgramData\QxSoft\CMM-Manager 2020\Driver\IQUCCClient.ini" file in notepad
  3. Add this line:   JOGDISPLAYCSY  0
  4. Save the file
  5. Launch CMM-Manager and try to connect.

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