Once you've taught a program and create Report(s) it is possible to configure CMM-Manager program to automatically save report document in a format compatible with
Discus CMM each time the program is run.
Set Report Properties as follows:
- View the Report Database
- Right Click on Report Name - i.e. Default Report, MyReport1, etc.
- Choose Properties...
- Check the Save Report Checkbox
- Check the Data Page+ File Format
- Enter or Browse to Directory
- Filename must be "Default Report"
- Click OK to accept
Note - It's possible to save unique file / folder for each Report in Report Database - i.e. you could save .RPT file for Default Report and .PDF for MyReport1, each to a unique file location.
Convert .dpp file to .csv and add Characteristic Numbers
Discuss CMM expects a .csv file that contains a dedicated column of data with characteristic numbers - i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. This can be done by running simple a Windows Batch File after the CMM-Manager report has been written to the disc.
For example, the CMM-Manager .dpp file looks like this:
Where Discus CMM expects data in a format like this:
Executing the following Windows Batch file will automatically add this column of lines numbers / characteristic numbers:
- @echo off &setlocal
- setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
- set "FileName=Default Report.dpp"
- if not exist "%FileName%" endlocal & exit /B
- set "LineNumber=0"
- set "TempFile=%TEMP%\%~n0.tmp"
- del "%TempFile%" 2>nul
- (for /F "usebackq eol=| delims=" %%I in ("%FileName%") do (
- echo %%I !LineNumber!
- set /A LineNumber+=1
- ))>"%TempFile%"
- move /Y "%TempFile%" "Discus_Rpt.csv"
- if errorlevel 1 del "%TempFile%"
- endlocal
Add Conversion Batch File to end of CMM-Manager Program
Download & Unzip the attached Windows Batch File and place it in the same directory where the report is (will be) saved. Then add an External Command Operation at the LAST step of the CMM-Manager program as shown here:
Note - the 5 second delay in Batch File is required. This gives CMM-Manager enough time to save the Default Report.dpp file to the HDD / disc before the Batch File does its thing with manipulating the report file.

See Chapter 12 of the attached DISCUS Tutorial for details on use of Discus CMM software.
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