Obtaining, Installing, and Upgrading Licenses

Obtaining, Installing, and Upgrading Licenses

These instructions do not apply to obtaining a Trial License using the automated Trial License request process.

License requests, installation, and upgrades are handled by the QxSoft License RUS (Remote Update System). This application can be run by going to Windows Start Menu > QxSoft > Licensing and selecting "QxSoft License RUS."  Details may vary slightly per WIndows version due to different methods of handling the Start Menu

To request a license or update
  1. Run the RUS utility - Windows Start Menu > QxSoft, and select "QxSoft License RUS."
  2. Select the "Collect Status Information" tab
    1. Select 'Update of existing protection key' to obtain an update (SSC update, or additional license, for instance)
    2. Select 'Installation of a new protection key' for a new installation or upgrading to CMM-Manager 2020
  3. Click the 'Collect Information' button and follow the prompts to save the .c2v file
    1. You will be prompted to supply a location and filename
    2. If more than one license method exists (a dongle and a pre-existing license), you will be asked to select the appropriate license. HL is a dongle. SL is a SoftLock
  4. Email this file to the appropriate email address indicated in the center of the dialog as appropriate for your area

To apply a new or updated license
  1. Save the .v2c file you have received in an accessible location on your PC
  2. Run the RUS utility
  3. Select the 'Apply License File' tab
  4. Browse ('...') to the location where you have saved the file and select it
  5. Click the 'Apply Update' button
  6. When the 'Update written successfully' prompt is displayed, exit the utility

If you encounter difficulties, please contact  QxSoft.

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