NIST Algorithm Test / PTB Certificate

NIST Algorithm Test / PTB Certificate

3rd party PTB certification that tests fitting Algorithm of (typically) metrology software has been complete on CMM-Manager. The PTB certificate for CMM-Manager is attached below.

It is also possible to perform an in-house test of CMM-Manager using NIST generated datasets by running a program that is now distributed with all CMM-Manager installations. You will find a program named NIST_test.PRG in the C:\ProgramData\QxSoft\CMM-Manager xxx\Project folder.

To run the test, download the NIST data sets here. Unzip the downloaded file, and place all folders ("Circle2D", "Circle3D" etc.) into a parent folder named "NIST".  This "NIST" folder should be placed in a location you can easily access.  C:\ProgramData\QxSoft is recommended, and is set as the default location in the NIST test program.

After this has been completed, run the program.  It may take a few minutes to execute depending on your PC. During the beginning prompts (Machine ID, User Name, Tolerance, Software Version, etc.) you will be prompted for the file path of the NIST dataset. In the example below, the entire "NIST" folder (downloaded from the NIST website) was copied to the recommended location - C:\ProgramData\QxSoft

Once the program has completed, there will be a lot of constructed features in Database and in Main Graphics screen.

A .CSV file is generated and saved in the same folder specified during program execution - i.e. C:\ProgramData\QxSoft\ for the example above.  Open this file to check the status of the test.  If line 6 indicates "Passed", all of the individual tests below have passed.

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