CMM-Manager Communication Log

How To - Communication Log

Versions 2020 and higher:
  1. Open Log Manager dialog from CMM-Manager System Pearl | Diagnostics | Log Manager
  2. Check  Enable Logging option and click OK
    1. If CMM-Manager is currently online, you will be prompted to re-connect for logging to take effect
    2. If CMM-Manager is currently offline, the logging will take effect next time it is online
  3. Run the software until the error / issue occurs
  4. Create a help desk file from System Pearl | Diagnostics | Create Help Desk File, and copy to email.  The log file will be included in the help desk file (.zip).
  5. To turn off logging, uncheck Enable Logging option on the Log Manager dialog and clicking OK
Note: It is possible to run Comm Log in Silent Mode. The comm monitor is not displayed and is suitable for long term Comm Monitoring. Just add the line - SHOW_MONITOR 0 - to the xxxxdriver.ini file for your current device - i.e. The IQLKCom.ini file if you have a Nikon / LK CMM.

Versions 3.6 SP2 - 3.10
  1. Disconnect or Close CMM-Manager
  2. Launch Log Manager from windows Start Menu | All Programs | Nikon Metrology | CMM-Manager 3.x | Log Manager 3.x
  3. Click the Enable Logging button on the Log Manager dialog
  4. Connect or re-start CMM-Manager
  5. Run the software until the error / issue occurs
  6. Close or Disconnect...
  7. Click the Open Containing Folder button on the Log Manager dialog, and copy "log.txt" file to emailTurn off logging by clicking on the Disable Logging button on the Log Manager dialog
Note: It is possible to run Comm Log in Silent Mode... The comm monitor is not displayed and is suitable for long term Comm Monitoring. Just add the line - SHOW_MONITOR 0 - to the xxxxdriver.ini file for your current device - i.e. The IQLKCom.ini file if you have a Nikon / LK CMM.

Versions 3.3 - 3.6 SP1
  1. Disconnect or Close CMM-Manager
  2. Browse to the ProgramFiles(x86)\CMM-Manager\Driver directory
  3. Run LogManager.exe and select Yes to create a Log
  4. Connect or re-start CMM-Manager
  5. Run the software until the error / issue occurs
  6. Close or Disconnect...
  7. Find the file log.txt and copy to email (log.txt file varies depending on OS)
    1. XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nikon\CMM-Manager xxx\Driver
    2. Vista, 7 , 8, 10 - C:\ProgramData\QxSoft\CMM-Manager xxx\Driver
  8. Turn off logging by running LogManager.exe again
Note: It is possible to run Comm Log in Silent Mode... The comm monitor is not displayed and is suitable for long term Comm Monitoring. Just add the line - SHOW_MONITOR 0 - to the xxxxdriver.ini file for your current device - i.e. The IQLKCom.ini file if you have a Nikon / LK CMM.

Versions 1.xx thru 3.2
  1. Dis-connect or Close CMM-Manager
  2. Browse to the CMM-Manager\Driver directory
  3. Create a text file named "log.txt" in this directory
  4. Connect or re-start CMM-Manager
  5. Run the software until the error / issue occurs
  6. Close or Dis-connect...
  7. Find the file log.txt and copy to email
  8. Turn off logging by running LogManager.exe again
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