User-specified content can be added to the report header via the Customer Data button in the Report Properties window.
A list of customer header entries will be displayed on the screen. To add a new item, click the Add button.
Enter the name and content of the new entry, then click OK.
This will add a fixed customer data value, meaning that the content will be identical for all runs until the user modifies it in the Report Properties window.
Please enable "Run Time Update" if the header information must be dynamic. Once this option is checked, CMM-Manager will prompt the operator at the beginning of program execution to enter the desired content.
An advanced user with VB scripting knowledge can alter the data dynamically by tying them to VB variables.
A CMM-Manager program and text files below are an example of how VB variables can be implemented. The program will automatically import the calibration information from the text file then display the values on the report header. This will allow the user to only modify a single file to update the customer header for multiple programs.
Knowledge Base articles for VB scripting can be accessed via the link below: