Teaching the FCR25 Rack Location
The following steps will calibrate the FCR25 rack location. Repeat as needed for any additional FCR25 racks.
- Calibrate and select an appropriate tip angle which will be used for docking. The selected angle should be selected such that the A axis of the probe head is aligned with and pointing away from the port.
- Install the lid clips to hold the doors open on the FCR25 rack.
- Select Probe Tab | Rack Group | Calibrate in the Ribbon Bar (or click the Calibrate Station button in the Probe Station dialog).
- Select the FCR25 probe rack to be calibrated from the drop-down list and click <OK>.
- Verify that the steps listed in the Things to Do have been completed.
- The Stylus Parameters are automatically retrieved from the active probe assembly. They may be overridden if required by typing the values in the input boxes.
- Stylus Length - the length of the stylus module from the mounting surface to the stylus ball center.
- Tip Diameter - the diameter of the stylus tip
- Click <OK>.
- Measure points as prompted by the Measure Dialog.
- Points 1 and 2 are on the front surface of the ports.
- Points 3, 4, and 5 are on the top surface of the ports. Make sure the three points are not in a straight line.
- For the remaining points, take two points, one on either side of each port. The ports are taught in order, left to right. The points for each port need to be taken on the same opposing surfaces to get an accurate mid-point for the center of the port.
- The FCR25-L6 requires 2 points in each of the 6 ports.
Note: If the port contains a PA25-20 Adapter, use the shank of the probe to take the points, touching the shank to the metal tabs.
- Move the probe to a safe position for movement to and from the rack and click <OK>.
The safe position must account for any probe rotation that will occur at this position. During a probe change, the probe will move to this position with the current A/B angles, then rotate after reaching the safe position. To reduce the amount of free space required around the safe position, program a series of moves and probe rotations before requesting a probe change.
Be sure to allow enough clearance at the safe position for any "crank" or star styli.
- Remove the lid clips to allow the doors to close.
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