Tips & Calibration Data get lost from time to time -> Root cause found!

Tips & Calibration Data get lost from time to time -> Root cause found!

Hey guys,

we have the problem, that tips get lost from time to time and long time I had no idea why but I think I found the cause:

- When exiting CMM-Manager all tips and calibration data gets deleted and is then written again from scratch (this takes place in the Windows Registry)
-- Depending on the tip count (9x687=6183) in our case exiting CMM-Manager takes forever
--- Users think CMM-Manager is frozen and hit "X" until it closes
---- Tip creation in Windows Registry is interrupted
----- Tips are missing after the next start of CMM-Manager

Questions which come to my mind:

1) Why are you writing them on every exit? Coudln't you write it when loading a tip file or when creating a new tip, calibration etc.. In short, wenn there is a change..
2) Why the whole list cleared instead of writing the changes?
3) Why use Windows Registry and not saving them to a file?

Just tried program exit with 0 tips: less then a second, with all my tips it's around 30 seconds.. You can watch the Registry with Regedit and hit F5 to see the tips created..

I'm now scripting a workaround which will make sure tips are always available when starting CMM-Manager, but I really hope you change the tip saving and loading behavior in the future.

Thank you very much!