Probe Numbering starting from "0"
Sorry for spamming the Forum, but I'm in a hurry to make a decision towards or against CMM-Manager and need some things sorted out before I can finally decide..
This may look like a minor Problem, but our Rack is numbered from 1 to 9 and also in our MCOSMOS Software the Probes are numbered from 1 to 9.. In CMM-Manager I can name the Probes but when renaming Probe 0 it does not work anymore (you get an error when running a Programm where it is used).. Also renaming them from 1 to 9 doesn't change the number that is displayed at the bottom.. As MCOSMOS has to run parallel (cause no time to rewrite everything) and everyone is used to the Current Numbering Scheme I need the Probe Numbering starting at 1.. Hopefully this is possible..