mirror a program in car position

mirror a program in car position

im measuring a gage with a rh/lh on a common base, and when i mirror the program about the zx plane in this case as y is up and down in the fixture position on the machine, it obiously mirrors everything under the table. when i do this it makes everything be under the table and all the probe rotations are for the part now being under the table. im confused on how to mirror this? i do need to mirror about the zx plane but i need the program to be rotated in 2 axis to get it where i need it to be?? 
both of my parts do need to stay in car position as they are, they cannot be moved from the position the cad is in!
i did attach my program in here if someone can help me!
any help is appreciated!!
what i see when i mirror the program in cmm manager all my program is under the table!
this is a picture of my fixture.