Looking for reviews of different CMM's. For software we are looking at switching to CMM Manager, which another location uses. Accuracy only needs to be equivalent to the 4.2+L/200 um of our Eclipse for all.
Due to space limitations we are limited to a Z of 600mm(2.6meters overall) and an X of 1000mm(1.7meters overall) for the Eclipse replacement.
The Duramax is 50/50/50 and the MicroVu is 24"x36". In a perfect world one CMM would replace both.
Aberlink is at the top of the list due to cost.
Our Eclipse Z drive has gone out, again. Management is not happy that the drive only had a 6 month warranty and is less than a year old. On top of that we understand Zeiss is no longer supporting Eclipses with parts or service after 2022. Our machine is over 20 years old. Due to these issues and the initial cost, Zeiss is at the bottom of the list for replacements.