I have spoken to QX about this and had some additional thoughts on the Operation Plan labeling
When reporting features it displays I.E. Circle1 to Circle2. As you are looking through the program unless you put in some comments or user notes it can be a task to find those in the program.
Here is my thought.....
Inside the reporting box have an input for a lable. This could be for example ITEM.
Then have a box next to the LABEL box for a number. Then one of to the right of that for another. The second box would be for labeling your features if you have multi checks on one dimension. I.E. ITEM 1 1, Item 1 2. The second box would have a check box once applied it would auto increment...as above. If it was not checked the first box would auto increment ITEM 2, ITEM 3 ect.....
Once applied, it would put a user note ABOVE the reporting.
I know that this could be done with some visual basic but if you start getting into a large program how much time are you doing a cut/paste....
This way, it auto puts in the labeling for your items and no changes need to be made to the operaion plan.
Just a thought......