Cloud to CAD best fit

Cloud to CAD best fit

I'm having some unexpected results that I was hoping someone could help clarify the best fit function of the Cloud to CAD reporting.

My assumption was, if I do not select the "Best Fit" box the profile will be fully constrained to my current reference frame/alignment. I only pick the Best Fit if I have a FRF that requires certain restraints. A lot of the time if I'm just using profiles for references, I leave best fit unchecked.

I currently have a complex profile that is technically a small section of a large radius with a couple of smaller radii along it. As we all know, large radii don't measure well, so I am reporting the profile. The thing that is perplexing me is, along this profile, one of the smaller radii has been iffy, so I report it's profile separately, as well as the total complex profile. When I report the small radii, it's showing a profile of .0056. When I report the complex profile (which includes the small radii) it's only showing a profile of .0045. I would assume the .0056 would show up in the complex profile, since it's the "worst" area of the profile. Am I misunderstanding how the profile calculation is performed?