File Types
Below are two snips of the same part model. One was imported as a Solidworks part file, the other as IGES. The soldiworks file imported with a bunch of lines around the two counter-bored holes, but the IGES has only a few excess lines. Why is that? Will
Need password for Machine setup.
Hey guys, Have a part which just barely fits within the Z range of our Brown & Sharp Mistral CMM. I get the part set up, import the CAD model, drop it to the table and center it, do my CAD alignment, and proceed to do a manual alignment. After manual
Initial CAD alignment in CMM-Manager 2021
I just updated to the new version and uploaded a CAD model (3D mouse works beautifully btw, thank you!) under the Import/Export tab. Typically when I am selecting CAD features to make my alignment (after orienting the blue X,Y,Z, correctly, but before
Offline programming, part location
When programming offline the part via CAD. How should we program, so that once we have actual part on the table, & we did manual alignment to locate the real part; all the DCC measurables features (or previoulsy programed features) automtically get aligned
Script Variables
Using 'Set Variables' to construct a Point numerically. Assigning values to Variables inside a VB Script. Are the variables Case sensitive?
Concentricity with MMC
There is a callout of concentricity with MMC in the print, Wondering if 'Report' has any such options to show the results in a similar manner as of call-out.
Position tolerance - non perpendicular levelling plane (new reference frame)
In this print, the highlighted position tolerance is wrt to 2 datums. If trying to create new reference wrt to specified it would need level which isn't perpendicular. What could be the best to measure this call-out, given that current reference frame
Surface Profile Tolerancing
I am working on a part (with CAD) that requires a one sided surface profile callout. The requirement is a Surface Profile of .030" to Datum A (Bottom Plane). I am not able to share the print, but it requires the profile to be only to the material side
Construction Issue - Intersect Failure
Offline Programming: I am trying to do a basic Point construction from Line-Circle Intersect. They clearly intersect in the CAD. They are on the same planar surface. I even made certain that the orient plane vectors were identical. Can anyone offer an
What am I doing wrong? (Alignment)
So, I am attaching some photos that I took to better explain where I'm at with this obstacle I'm facing. I followed the many steps that I received through the community here, and the YouTube videos provided and after trying them out myself, (please look
"Drop to CAD" Explained
I have a fairly complex small plastic component part, with a lot of features that are Non-normal (distance between sets of points). I wanted the Points in this format to easily use them as a Cloud. Our Design Engineer determined these points XYZ coordinates.
Winrds on windows 10
Just wanted to let people know after lots of trial and error I have a legacy romer arm working with a version of windows 10 that supports solidworks 2021 Feel free to email me for more information @
Create Points from Txt File
Does anyone know of a way to create a series of points from a text/excel file?
Measuring External Thread As a Cylinder
Hello, i wanted to see some opinions on the best way to measure these features. They are threaded studs that extend out from the sub frames we are currently making. There are a total of 12. 4 of them being m10x1.5 thread and 8 of them being m12x1.75.
Inscribed/circumscribed circles.
Hello, I would like to know the difference in calculation between the min/max diameter in the geometric report and the inscribed/ circumscrebed circle in the creation function. The values obtained are a little different.
Internal Training
I have been given a specific task by my manager to create a generic checklist that will be a basis for learning, leading my colleagues to be in tip-top shape with using the CMM. Every inspector must know how to do both manual measurements, and also create
Graphical Reporting
I have a number of features in an inspection, for which I am trying to generate a graphical report with a few dimensions. Despite the User Guide stating that circles have snap points, I can not seem to pull distance between two circles. Any suggest
Transform from body to print coordinates
Hi, I'm a very new user of CMM Manager, basically trying to self-teach right now. Coming from 17 years of pc-dmis experience. I have a step model of a part that comes into the software in body coordinates, but the drawing is in local print coordinates.
How to get live DRO with solid disk
Using a Mitutoyo CMM with retrofit for the USB model IMUSB100-MT and latest version of CMM Manager. We primarily use two types of probes. The primary being a Renishaw TP1s built in different configurations. The second being a solid shafted disk with
Ø of Cone to Plane when not perpendicular
I'm in the middle of a layout on some plastic parts. There is a conical feature that is giving me issues. I'm not submitting a ticket, since I've created a solution... but, I'm wondering if there is a method to do what I want. The intersecting plane is,
Reporting GD&T Bonus
Is there a way to configure the .RPT file CMM Manager creates? If so, could it report bonus. As of now, the bonus get added and is reported as a upper tolerance (.0089). After speaking with InspectionXpert support, To report Bonus, it must be reported
Cad dimensions on reports
Hey guys. I was watching a youtube video on graphical reporting and when i try do use the dimension box everything is hidden. it wont klet me even click on the icons. any help at all would help im new to this stuff and im trying to improve my reporting
Relative Measurement Features
This topic has been discussed a long time ago, but I think it is worth consideration. There are times when checking parts that have deviations from CAD, that the ability to measure features relative to previously measured features would be a big help.
Depth of cylinder at angle
I've come across this problem a couple of times with other drawings, and just end up checking manually. Any suggestions how to get this measurement? Cylinder intersects plane at an angle, and the drawing is asking for the depth at the lowest intersecting
I have a small part with a through hole too small to probe (Ø.052 of attached dwg), so I put a pin gage in the hole and measure the pin. I've done this a couple of times by modifying the CAD data from an inner diameter to an outer, and changing the length
VB Script for Position Report Items
Hi Everyone, I've been using VB Script to export actual measurements from Feature report and Distance Between report items into a spreadsheet. This has been working great so far, but the same syntax isn't working for me with the Positional report item
Hole pattern feature
Morning Guys, Im trying shoot a hole pattern without a CAD model. Is that an option or do you need the CAD?
CAD Alignment
Hi, we have parts that we program so that, wherever the part is on our table, we touch-points on the part according to where we picked them on the CAD to align with our program (CAD Alignment) But we suspect there is an easier way run programs, such as
3D Mouse
Does anyone know if the 3Dconnexion space mouse works with CMM Manager? Not that it is necessary, but I am curious if I buy one to use with Solidworks and Rhino, if it will work with CMM-M also. It is not specifically listed on the 3Dconnexion compatiblity
Hey Good Morning Guys!! Hey this may be a dumb question but is there a way to Measure runout with the 3.10 version with PH10 Head? Thanks In advance guys!!
Graphic reports
Is there anyway to lock the trihedron in place in graphic reports? When I need to zoom in on a featrue for reporting, it disapears
GD&T ISO tolerancing
Hello I recognized that if I switch GD&T to ISO and click OK, open preferences again, switch to GD&T there is ASME ticked again. How can I see which standard is chosen? thx in advance
Project circle to plane (at angle 45°)
Hi, Wondering what could be the best way to project this circle (which is at 45° from the end plane) to the respective end plane ? Any suggestions:) I intend to find out distance between the centring hole on the end plane & this 45° cylinder projection's
Gear inspection
i have some doubts in gear inspection while we are measuring the gear spacing /run out check it is getting measured but it doesnt gets reported after the completing the program can i know why this happened
Improve accuracy
Kind of a general CMM question. I'm running an old Numerex 24-28-18, PH9/TP2, CMM-M . I'm hoping to see if anyone has any advice for getting more accurate diameter measurements. After qualifying on the calibration sphere, and writing a small
TP2 to TP20
This may not be the place to ask, but would you all have any idea what would be involved from updating my CMM from a TP2 probe to a TP20? Is this something I can do myself? How would my existing programs be affected? Is this a better question for a Renishaw
Reporting Profile from Point Clouds that cover multiple NURBS Surfaces from Part CAD
I have created a Cross Section that covers multiple NURBS surfaces from my CAD model. When I report the Cloud to CAD Deviations, I get separate sections for this Profile, 1 for each NURBS Surface. Is there a way to report all 3D Deviations as 1 continuous
LK CMM Transport/bracing questions, manuals?
Does anyone have Information about the LK Microvector G80 series? I bought a couple of these and need to make braces for transport. I was hoping to come across a manual online but can't find anything at all. A set of dimensions would be ideal, currently
Evaluating projected Position
Hi there, I'd like to know the best way to evaluate a Position callout to a projected distance, as shown below with the red arrow.
Idea/Question: Identifying measured features, pts etc.. that aren't reported?
Is there a built in function in CMM-M that will identify any measurements in my program that aren't used for reporting or constructions? I know that once a program is completed I'll get a warning if I try and delete anything that has dependent operations.
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